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This US-based financial institution with 20,000+ global employees was looking for insight regarding their current ServiceNow platform utilization to find opportunities to enhance their change management process. The challenge? They needed to ensure complex change requests met necessary requirements for users and managers alike, from the change management lifecycle through implementation. They needed a partner rich in ServiceNow expertise to reconfigure their existing change management system and bridge the gaps between people and technology for a user-friendly experience. 

The Veracity team assessed their current platform configuration alongside in-flight enhancements. To identify further opportunities for improvement, we conducted a detailed examination of their current Change Management approval workflows and aligned on multiple user personas and change types to proactively envision solutions that improved business outcomes with a tailored and intuitive experience. From custom change management dashboards and a major events calendar, Veracity integrated key functionality throughout their ServiceNow platform, empowering employees with a hyper-personalized user experience. 

Veracity reconfigured an existing change management platform with a tailored and intuitive experience for 20k+ employees.

A Centralized Hub Built to Streamline Requests & Enhance Communication

Veracity implemented a “Change Monitor” dashboard, an innovative solution that provided users with improved visibility and insights to their current change requests. With user-friendly representations of issue types, conflicts, and related configuration items, employees now had a centralized hub for all change requests, effectively streamlining the entire process. The dashboard also enabled one-click communication between all users related to a specific change record, enhancing collaboration and significantly reducing delays.  

A Milestone Dashboard for Transparent Workflows

To address the challenge of change requests falling behind, Veracity developed aMilestone Dashboard”—a tailored feature that created visual representations of various milestones each change request passed through before completion. By providing a clear and concise lifecycle view of each change request, users, (and their managers) easily identified late requests to take proactive steps that expedite the process. This new feature improved transparency and accountability across departments, ensuring all employees on a part of the change management platform are up to date on their requests.  

Introducing a Major Events Calendar to Transform Tracking Activities & Boost Productivity

Previously, the organization relied on company-wide documentation to store data related to major change management events. Veracity recognized the limitations of this approach and developed an efficient Current Major Events Calendar. This calendar not only featured data previously stored in the document but provided users with valuable statistics and trends for a clear view of future projects and progress made. By transitioning to the new calendar, all change management data can stay contained within the ServiceNow portal to improve convenience and document consolidation while enhancing the way users tracks major events.