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In an effort to support internal career growth and provide a clear path for current employees, a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company wanted to implement a powerful internal candidate experience. However, they needed a comprehensive evaluation of their current technology ecosystem, as well as tactical recommendations for a phased-growth approach, to understand the full implications and interdependencies of such a move.

Partnering alongside the client, Veracity painstakingly analyzed the candidate experience ecosystem through the journeys of four personas: internal candidates, current managers, hiring managers and recruiters. We envisioned an ideal state, then prioritized requirements and created a transformation roadmap for seamless implementation.

Veracity revolutionized internal career growth with a powerful candidate experience solution.

Unveiling Insights & Opportunities for Innovation

Our team first got to work visualizing and plotting platform capabilities and interactions within the technology ecosystem, uncovering technical dependencies and areas for innovation. In collaboration with the client, we meticulously mapped the current candidate experience ecosystem, including platforms like Total Digital Recruiting (TDR), which automates recruitment, Fuel50, which serves as an AI engine, HiredScore, which standardizes candidate review, and more. Then, we continued to iterate on the ecosystem map, informing the visualization as new insights were uncovered throughout the project.

Identifying Persona Needs & Opportunities within the Experience

With a comprehensive understanding of technical capabilities, Veracity identified four main personas for evaluation: internal candidates, current managers, hiring managers and recruiters. We meticulously examined each persona’s journey, assessing unique needs within the experience. Then we consolidated those insights and aligned them with technology features. This work revealed pain points, feature requirements, opportunities and decision points.

Innovative Journey Flows Shape a Future State Vision

Armed with insights from each persona’s journey, our team analyzed specific internal candidate scenarios, including “Ready Now” candidates contacted by recruiters and encouraged by managers, “Ready Future” candidates planning their careers, and more. Empowered by our knowledge of platform capabilities, we aligned those journeys with a desired future state experience, pinpointing areas to elevate technology and exceed expectations. Finally, we identified and prioritized critical decision points, determining whether they should be addressed prior to implementation or postponed for later consideration.

Mapping the Path to Seamless Success

The sum of our work was the creation of a transformation roadmap, which outlined step-by-step actions for enhancing the candidate’s experience. We highlighted key requirements and critical decision points in a crawl, walk, run approach that would eventually lead to a powerful experience capable of providing a lighted-career path for both prospects and employees.

Project Outcomes

Platforms Meticulously Analyzed in the Ecosystem Model
Personas Evaluated & Mapped to User Journeys
Decision Points Identified & Elevated as Critical to Implementation