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Anne-Claire Siegert

Director of Content, BX

Over the past three years we’ve witnessed more change to the way companies do business. The pandemic has put to test every organization’s employee experience digital transformation plan. And while it has has taken great liberties when it comes to disruption, it’s uncovered one inconvenient reality: companies must adapt or get left behind.

Meet Your Employees

The Modern-Day Customer

Consider a recent PEW study where 54% of employees whose jobs can be done from home say they don’t want to return to the office once the pandemic is over. Gone are the days an employee experience was just a nice-to-have. Companies unable to unite disparate workforces through an intuitive employee experience will likely lose a competitive advantage in the future. The good news? While the growing pains from undergoing such transformation may be uncomfortable, business will be better.

Just this year, Millennials made up nearly half of the workforce. Born with access to the internet, these digital natives, with new expectations, ideas, and ways of working, are projected to make up 75% by 2025. Combined with disruption caused by the pandemic, workers increasingly want more because they know they can have it. So, there’s only one question to ask:

How Do Companies Provide an Experience that Anticipates the Ways Their Employees Want to Work?


Live & Breathe the Employee Journey

Often organizations only map or look at one part of the journey, like onboarding, and forget that the employee’s total experience will be a reflection of work satisfaction. We believe it is key to map out the entire journey—from how employees are onboarded to how they collaborate and access documents. Understanding the total life cycle of all of your employees—full-time, contingent or work-share—can help create more engagement while reducing inefficiencies and user fatigue.


Deliver Personalized, Omni-Channel Experiences

Your employees don’t suffer from a lack of information. They are drowning in it. That’s why, when considering your employee experience digital transformation, it’s vital to create personalized experiences that cater to individual needs by delivering relevant, targeted content and user-customized features across all platforms.


Create Environments for Collaboration

Employees should be able to easily switch between collaborating with team members or across entire teams using the same or similar set of tools. When it’s easier to get things done and stay connected to the larger organization, passion and productivity tend to follow. Staff equipped with the best tools internally can better serve their customers externally, which in turn, supports a more cohesive brand experience.


Modernize IT Systems

Don’t forget that when it comes to Information Technology, it’s “information” that comes first. That’s why it’s crucial to understand how employees interact with your processes and systems and what attributes are useful to their daily tasks. By hearing your employees’ wants and needs, you will be enabling technologies that are not only intentional but also highly effective at increasing productivity and boosting morale. This is key in any employee experience digital transformation.


Scaling Automation with AI

By scaling your automation and AI efforts, you will be able to automatically accomplish transaction processing, data manipulation and communication with other digital systems. This allows employees to have more capacity to focus on higher-value work instead of time-consuming tasks, resulting in improved quality, increased efficiency and more empowered employees.


Managing & Sustaining Digital Transformation

When it comes to employee experience digital transformation, it’s important to get the entire organization aligned by utilizing cross-discipline teams and hands-on training. Bringing together team members from different areas of the organization breaks down silos and allows for unique perspectives that lead to thoughtful solutions. Executing these solutions in a crawl-walk-run approach allows organizations to grow in a manageable and sustainable fashion.