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This private, non-profit organ donation and transplant organization faced challenges with their digital web presence. They had several websites that were hard to manage, and the technology did not provide their team with the proper tools to effectively manage and maintain the experiences. Additionally, they struggled in identifying key website visitors and effectively communicating the organization’s role in the organ donation process. The team needed help to define a vision for a reimagined information architecture and content strategy that better conveys the organization’s value and simplifies the overall user experience.

Veracity partnered with them to define a digital strategy and a platform modernization approach that could help overcome these obstacles. Veracity worked with them to define a strategic vision and a digital modernization roadmap that would better explore the primary reasons behind users’ visits, offer recommendations to enhance their online presence, establish a user flow that would provide valuable insights for prioritizing future users more effectively and an architecture to support these critical needs.


Defining Key Personas Through Empathy & Journey Mapping Sessions

By conducting Empathy and Journey Mapping sessions, our team identified four key personas that served as the foundation for streamlining and remapping the user journey. Throughout this process, our main objective was to gain a deeper understanding of the organization’s users, cultivate empathy, and identify their touchpoints. We explored their thoughts, feelings, motives, and digital goals to establish user–priorities, ensuring important content was surfaced, eliminating user dead-ends. This approach enabled us to implement a content strategy that centered on the most relevant information and content for the defined (and prioritized) personas.


Comprehensive Analytics & SEO Review to Enhance User Journeys

Adopting a data-driven approach, our team performed a comprehensive analytics review of the website across multiple pages. By identifying moments where users were bouncing or leaving and understanding the reasons behind it, we gained valuable insights that allowed us to optimize the customer journey. Our findings revealed that while certain pages displayed high engagement and generated related search queries, many pages at the same hierarchical level experienced low engagement, indicating that users were navigating and searching rather than following a clear path in their journey. To address this, we identified the primary tasks that the key personas sought to accomplish through the digital experience and developed a comprehensive user flow that facilitated their journeys. This approach provided opportunities to present a more relevant and impactful narrative by structuring the user journey accordingly and delivering a more relevant and engaging path for each persona.


A Scalable & Reusable Architecture for Enhanced Brand Experience Opportunities

Veracity defined a digital modernization strategy for a re-platform to Sitecore. The re-platform would support a consistent pattern of usability and modular page components to seamlessly support all digital needs within the organization. Our strategy outlined a path to incorporate dynamic and personalized features, enabling the customization of user experiences based on a user’s individualized location and unique journey. Our main goal was to effectively translate the digital experience and marketing vision into an actionable phased-growth approach using Sitecore to help the organization realize platform value quickly, measurably, and consistently.

key metrics

Project Outcomes


Key Personas & User Journeys Established & Analyze


Digital Properties Evaluated Using a Data-Driven Approach


Year-Long Phased-Growth Roadmap Defined for Sitecore Re-Platform

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