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Our client, a health plan administrator, revolutionizes healthcare by offering a coordinated benefits platform to self-funded employers and clinicians. With a focus on delivering high-quality, affordable healthcare, they needed our expertise to identify areas for improvement in their implementation processes.

Veracity conducted a thorough assessment of their implementation processes. Working closely with their team, we identified challenges and pain points. We recognized the importance of efficient task management, improved communication and real-time visibility into the implementation progress. These insights laid the foundation for us to streamline their onboarding experience and enhance cross-team communication.

Streamlined onboarding, enhanced communication and insightful reporting capabilities empowered by Veracity’s custom tool delivers exceptional healthcare services and scalable growth.

Developing a Custom Tool

In response to the identified challenges, we designed and built a custom tool tailored to the client’s requirements. This tool incorporated conditional logic, enabling teams to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. It also provided clear visibility into tasks that needed immediate attention. The intuitive interface facilitated seamless cross-team communication and collaboration.

Enhancing Client Onboarding

The implementation of our custom tool had a significant impact on our client’s onboarding process. It streamlined their operations and reduced the overall time needed to onboard new clients. The tool’s conditional logic ensured that critical information was highlighted, allowing teams to address priority tasks promptly. This efficiency led to improved client satisfaction and a more seamless onboarding experience.

Insightful Reporting and Risk Mitigation

Our custom tool also provided insightful reporting to the leadership team. They gained real-time visibility into multiple simultaneous client implementations, enabling them to assess progress and identify potential risks. With this information, they could proactively mitigate risks and ensure successful client implementations. This comprehensive oversight allowed for informed decision-making and increased confidence in managing concurrent implementations.

Achieving Scalable Growth

By implementing our suggestions and utilizing the custom tool, our client successfully enhanced cross-team communication, reduced onboarding time and improved overall efficiency. This newfound agility enabled them to manage concurrent implementations effectively, paving the way for scalable growth. As they continue to empower self-funded employers and clinicians with their coordinated benefits platform, they are well-positioned to meet the evolving demands of the healthcare industry.