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This global financial services provider recognized the need to modernize their IT Application Management system. Their one-role-fits-all approach was leaving employees overwhelmed by competing platforms, cluttered design and irrelevant content. It was too much—and not enough—all at the same time. They needed an integrated solution to cater to the needs of each audience and empower them with the tools necessary to increase efficiency.

Working closely with our client, Veracity developed a comprehensive plan to address these challenges. Through extensive user-centered and technical research, we documented the current state to inform a modern infrastructure and that streamlined operations and improved the overall customer experience. With an eye on UX best practices and rapid prototyping, we laid out the functional details of an experience vision that would maximize their investment in ServiceNow, while ensuring an inclusive experience for all.

Veracity maximized ServiceNow for a hyper-personalized, data-driven application management experience for six unique audiences.

Increasing Findability Through Hyper-personalization

One of the biggest challenges employees faced was simply finding the information they were looking for. Application owners struggled with multiple repositories and vague user criteria, making it hard to see high-level information related to their key tasks. Veracity used insights gathered from stakeholder sessions and user-centered journey mapping to identify and equip six different user groups with personalized, data-driven dashboards and a rich feature set that would enable them to accomplish their tasks more efficiently—all in one place.

Designing for Data

Providing a clear information architecture and relevant data is essential to getting users to the right information at the right time. In combination with tools that feed productivity, Veracity created an overall design system for ServiceNow consistent with the client’s brand and design standards. Intuitive page layouts and personalized, data-driven dashboards for each of the six user personas highlighted specific visualizations and tasks as well as upcoming and past due attestation alerts—ensuring employees spend less time searching for data and more time utilizing it for higher value work.

Increased Understanding Leads to Increased Efficiency

To deliver an optimized experience that let users effectively use APM records to determine, validate and rectify application related data, we identified related tasks for each persona type and the hierarchies between them. Along with insights from our current state analysis and feedback from rapid prototyping sessions, we delivered a streamlined platform with a user-friendly layout and additional productivity tools to build a meaningful understanding of application data and how to work with it.

From One-Role-Fits-All to One-Stop-Shop for All

Users won’t find what they can’t search for. That’s why we designed a brand-new global application search interface. Designed to be a one-stop-shop for applications, related information and application-related support, Veracity created a thoughtful plan that allows users to search across the entire application library from any page on the portal and easily compare results by surfacing related information within each data-point on the results pages.

Project Outcomes

Total User Personas Uncovered Across Five Groups
Wireframes Delivered
Personalized Dashboards & ServiceNow Design System