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With the demand for integrated physical health and emotional well-being solutions transforming care delivery models across the industry, Veracity partnered with leading insurers to improve access to care utilizing behavioral health services. After identifying gaps across the care continuum, Veracity aligned their products and services to competitive offerings, developing member engagement strategies built to increase awareness and utilization of their services.


Modeling Member Experiences to Improve Health Outcomes

Veracity led the effort to design an enterprise well-being strategy and implementation roadmap for the organization. The initial focus was identifying specific health needs of individual members, which is crucial for their care journey. By seamlessly connecting members with suitable healthcare providers and facilitating follow-up appointments, we were able to improve member health outcomes and reduce costs.


Product & Solution Alignment: A Pilot Tailored to Health Needs

Veracity took charge of developing a new strategy to enhance member engagement among those with comorbidities and chronic mental health conditions. This involved leading a pilot solution that underwent iterative improvements. The outcome? Improved results, reduced costs and consistent profitable growth. By creating strategies that offered members the right products and solutions tailored to their health needs, we facilitated a seamless transition from planning to action, empowering members in the process.


Enhancing Transparency in the Member Care Journey

Veracity specializes in creating digital solutions that enable payers and their members to access care options and data. By enhancing transparency in their care journey, we’ve increased member ownership and engagement—resulting in improved member health outcomes. Veracity took the lead in designing and strategizing the member journey, implementing self-service capabilities, automation, and chat functionalities, which not only reduced administrative expenses but enhanced the overall member experience.

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