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To empower users to engage with healthcare services conveniently and on their own terms, a leading health insurance provider needed to create a superior member experience—allowing customers to engage whenever, wherever and however they want.

Asked to take the lead on key components of a large-scale initiative, Veracity aimed at delivering cost transparency to consumers through a comprehensive digital benefits hub, integrating various healthcare, wellness and related services. By focusing on enhancing the invoicing and billing process across all impacted systems—and coordinating member communications—Veracity played a pivotal role in the development and seamless launch of this innovative one-stop-shop.

Empowering informed healthcare decision-making for consumers through cost transparency.

Delivering an Integrated Benefits Hub

To address the challenge of fragmented capabilities, Veracity developed an innovative digital platform accessible through a mobile or web-based application. This platform serves as a centralized and personalized benefits hub, enabling consumers to access information on benefits, healthcare services, wellness programs and more. By consolidating these disparate components, Veracity provided users with a seamless and holistic experience, empowering them with greater control over their healthcare decisions.

Efficient Invoicing & Billing Process

Veracity recognized the importance of streamlining the invoicing and billing process to enhance cost transparency for consumers. Working closely with the health insurance provider, Veracity developed an efficient invoicing system that spanned across all systems impacted by the solution. This comprehensive approach ensured accurate and transparent billing, making it easier for consumers to understand their healthcare costs and make informed financial decisions.

Planning & Coordinating Member Communications

A successful launch required effective planning and coordination of member communications. Veracity took charge of this critical aspect, working closely with the health insurance provider to develop a comprehensive communication strategy. By leveraging their expertise in user experience and strategic communication, Veracity crafted targeted messages and materials to educate and inform members about the new benefits hub. This strategic approach aimed to generate excitement, build trust and ensure a smooth transition for consumers.